Mr. Right-Enough Goes International

One of my marketing strategies is to give away copies of my book, extracting only a promise that after the recipient reads it she will pass it along to friends and will write a review for me on
So, Mr. Right-Enough is travelin'! And going international with Penny and Judy from Canada.

Left are Jay and Karen Sullivan from Texas, whom I met in NYC. And on the flight home I gave my book to two flight attendants. Unfortunately I didn't get their names or their picture but it was the noon United flight from Laguardia on October 3rd so if you're reading this please send me your names and email addresses!
One of them looked at the book and said, "Oh, I've heard about this book!" Well, can you imagine how that felt???

Maybe you'll see me on the street and get a free copy. If not you can get yours at

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