My Favorite Review!

This is the reason I write, to tell a story that will touch someone. Thank you Alicia, for giving my book to your friend for her 50th birthday and for sharing these words.

“Funny, I laughed reading through the whole thing. She is so me. Was she stalking me? Her character's life so paralleled mine. Really, her girlfriend marrying her high school sweetheart? hmmmmm. Even her relationship with her boyfriend and the calling stand off - Me and Joe all the time! And the passage when her dad dies, literally the exact words were uttered when my mom called me when my brother died. Scary Scary Scary. And Joe and I are in the same place in our relationship. He wants more, I want less. He hates my independence and does things to thwart my independence, to beat me to the punch so to speak. Funny, funny, funny. I saw myself all over this book, except I don't have a hunky ex-boyfriend waiting in the wings to sweep me off my feet! Thank you! What a great gift. Too bad she hasn't written more. I read the book in one night - couldn't put it down! “

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