Writing Tip for Today

How To Write A Novel
Want to know how to write a book? One word at a time. Not very original, I know, but truly, there's no trick to it, you just do it. When I was writing my novel I said I would write as much as I could five days a week. I didn't have a set time or set days, or a special place or daily word count, but what I did say was that no matter what, I would write every one of those five days. And if I didn't feel inspired or just plain didn't feel like it I would write at least five minutes. It doesn't sound like you'd get much done in five minutes so why bother? But what it does is get you in front of your computer or your typewriter or your notebook, however you write, and it gets words on the page. And once you begin, magic happens. If you're on a roll five minutes turns into fifteen, thirty, an hour, maybe two. And if you're not on a roll at least you got something accomplished.
So write your book. One word at a time.

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